Emma Cornelius: Digital Tattoo Co-Coordinator

What is your primary role in the Digital Tattoo project? 

I am a UBC Library Strategic Co-Lead, helping support our student collaborators and mapping a path for Digital Tattoo moving forward.

When did you start working with the Digital Tattoo Team (semester/year)? How did you get involved in Digital Tattoo?

I started working with Digital Tattoo in Fall 2023. I first became involved with Digital Tattoo when I wrote a blog post as a guest student contributor. This made me familiar with this initiative and the breadth of resources available. I am now involved through my role as Learning Services Librarian at UBC.

Why do you believe Digital Tattoo is an important initiative?

I think it is important to engage critically with our identity and activity online. It is so easy to go with the flow, forgetting to stop and think more deeply about our digital presence. When we do try to engage with complex questions about privacy, surveillance, and digital footprints, things can become confusing and even scary. I think Digital Tattoo is a key intervention that supports students in navigating their online presence in an ethical and thoughtful way. Having this support be led by students themselves helps keep the resources produced relevant to their needs. 

What do you hope that readers will get out of Digital Tattoo? 

I hope readers will feel empowered to make intentional decisions surrounding their identity and presence online, their engagement with varying technologies, and their relationship with digital media.

What is your current professional role?

Learning Services Librarian for the University of British Columbia.

What’s one thing you can’t recommend enough?  

Reading books (a typical librarian answer, but I stand by it). There’s so much to learn and gain from reading, regardless of genre. 

How many languages do you speak? 

I speak two languages: English and Spanish!

What is your favourite way to relax? 

Swimming in the ocean (if it’s warm out) or walking around the city and popping into little stores!