Requirements for Blog Post Submissions

We only accept submissions from undergraduate or graduate students attending institutions of higher learning.

Our blog posts are:

  • Accessible

    • The reference style we use on our blog was chosen to be accessible to screen readers. Instead of having footnote numbers and a reference list, we hyperlink text with a link to the source.
    • All images on our blog have alt text to describe the images. Alt text allows those with screen readers to understand the content and importance of the image within the article. 
    • When writing your article, please use heading levels instead of just bolded text. This allows for screen readers to differentiate between normal text and headings. (This is possible in Word and Google Docs).
  • Written for the web

    • We aim to have a reading level of grade 8 in our blog posts. At this reading level, content is accessible to a larger portion of the population. This does not lower the quality of the work—it is possible to convey academic ideas with simpler language. Lowering the reading level just means that our ideas can be shared with and understood by a larger group of people. Additionally, even people who have the ability to read at a higher reading level prefer easier reading.
    • Signposting (creating eye-catching elements in an article that help visually guide your reader) is very important in making posts web-friendly. This is because online, people often read in an F formation. As people do not read every word, it is important to have an eye-catching format that can be easily scanned. This can include:
      • Heading
      • Subheadings
      • Bullet points and lists
      • Hyperlinked text
      • Short paragraphs with noticeable breaks
      • Pull quotes
      • Bolded text
  • Open

    • When finding sources for your article, ensure that they are open access. This means that they are available for anyone to read, and do not require purchasing or a subscription.
    • Whenever possible, include an image that can be used as a featured image for your blog post on our website. These images must fall under a Creative Commons License. You can find CC images by applying CC filters on Google images, or you can use Unsplash—which is a website that has open-source images.  
  • Academic

    • Citing sources that are reputable is essential. Please avoid citing websites that seem to have biases—such as selling a product or endorsing a certain political narrative.
    • Please cite all used sources. We strive to maintain a high level of academic integrity in our articles, and this includes crediting all authors appropriately.
  • Student-oriented

    • We aim for our content to be relevant, interesting, and actionable. While some content is certainly interesting for a professional in the tech field, it may not be relevant to students. We ask that you always include actions that students can take in relation to the topic.

Ready to submit your blog post? Email us at and we will respond to you in a timely manner to start the revisions process.

Please note:

  • As an academic institutional resource that is peer-reviewed, we reserve the right to ask for/make edits to content submitted to our blog.
  • Unsure of whether your idea or article fits these parameters? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email or social media.

The content on our website is licensed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 License. When you publish content with us, your work will fall under this agreement as well.